Algae Identification


In short, algae are always in the pool and can bloom into a visible colony when conditions are right:


Poor water circulation, low flow, or dead spots, poor water balance, pH, alkalinity, calcium, and cyanuric levels. Poor water sanitation, low or inconsistent chlorine levels.


Several types of algae can grow in swimming pools. The most common types of pool algae are green algae, yellow (or mustard) algae, black or blue-green algae, and pink algae. Here’s a brief description of each type:


Green algae: This is the most common type of algae found in pools. It appears slimy on pool and spa surfaces and can proliferate in 24 hours or less. 


Yellow (or mustard) algae: This type of algae has a brownish or muddy yellow colour. While it doesn’t spread as quickly as green algae, it is harder to destroy. Like green algae, yellow algae grows in the same fur or mold-like pattern. Unlike green algae, brushing will not remove it much, although it will remove the top layer of slime, which exposes the algae underneath. 


Black or blue-green algae: This type of algae can grow in unmaintained pools. Black algae is difficult to treat as it is highly resistant to chlorine. Unlike green or yellow algae, black algae doesn’t have that outer layer of slime, which acts as a protective barrier for the algae underneath, it has a tough membrane that needs to be addressed to allow treatment to be successful. Black algae will penetrate deeply into hard surfaces, like plaster and concrete. It first appears as black spots and then proliferates.



Options for an algal outbreak vary based on several factors, all of which must be considered before initiating treatment. These factors include:

  1. The severity of the outbreak.
  2. The duration it has been left untreated.
  3. The type of algae present, the surrounding environment.
  4. The current water chemistry.
  5. The pool's sanitation and filtration systems.

Green Algae

The most common form of algae infestation.

Black Spot Algae

It is most difficult to treat chlorine resistant algae infestations.

Mustard Algae

Easily treated, but can readily reinfect if not treated correctly.

Pink Red Algae

It is not common in our location and is usually found in fibreglass and vinyl pools.

Chemical Required

The chemicals required for the above treatments.

Blue Green Algae

Blue and green algae can be present in various ways 

below are some examples to assist in identifying the algal outbreak

Is it safe to swim in a green pool?


The brief answer is that it varies.


Algae are drawn to bacteria and parasites, which can infiltrate the body via the nose, eyes, ears, mouth, or a small cut. In such cases, swimming in green pool water is less safe.


Hence, regular chemical testing is crucial. If the green color is due to pollen, it might be challenging to reduce the discoloration without closing the pool.


However, if there are no pollen allergies, swimming in green pool water is generally safe.

Mild Green Algae Treatment


Lo-Chlor, algaecide, is effective against green, black, and mustard algae. Here are some steps you can take to use Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide:


Super-chlorinate the pool with liquid chlorine (10 litres per 50000 lt pool). 


Add 1 lt of hyrochloric acid for every 10 lt of liquid chlorine used


Brush the pool: Brush the pool walls and floor to dislodge the algae into the pool water.

Vacuum the pool: Vacuum the pool to remove the dead algae.

Test the water: Test the water to determine the pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels.

Balance the water: Adjust the pH and alkalinity levels to the ideal range of 7.4 to 7.6 and 80 ppm to 110 ppm, respectively.

Add Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide: Add the recommended amount of Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide to your pool water according to the instructions on the label. 

Severe Green Algae Treatment


Lo-Chlor, algaecide, is effective against green, black, and mustard algae. Here are some steps you can take to use Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide:


Super-chlorinate the pool with liquid chlorine (20 to 40 litres per 50000 lt pool). 


Add 1 lt of hyrochloric acid for every 10 lt of liquid chlorine used.


Brush the pool: Brush the pool walls and floor to dislodge the algae into the pool water.


After the pool changes colour from green to gray, monitor chlorine and pH levels.


After cleaning or backwashing the filtration, continue to run it 24/7 for 2 days and backwash or clean every 2 days for the next week.

Vacuum the pool: Vacuum the pool to remove the dead algae.

Test the water: Test the water to determine the pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels.

Balance the water: Adjust the pH and alkalinity levels to the ideal range of 7.4 to 7.6 and 80 ppm to 110 ppm, respectively.

Add Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide: Add the recommended amount of Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide to your pool water according to the instructions on the label 

Black Algae

Black spot algae are notoriously difficult to treat due to their resistance to chlorine.

Below are some examples of the algae outbreak.

Black spot algae in swimming pools can be quite tenacious however, an appropriate strategy can effectively address this.


Understanding Black Spot Algae:


Black spot algae create dark, blue-green spots on pool surfaces. It is resistant to standard chlorine levels and brushing due to its protective biofilm. Even after removal, it often reappears within a few months.


  1. The severity of the outbreak and the duration it has been left untreated are critical factors.
  2. Once black spot algae are visible, regardless of size, it is likely present throughout the pool.
  3. Inspecting the pool's surroundings can help identify a cause and potentially a remedy for future outbreaks.
  4. It is also important to ensure that the sanitation and filtration systems are operating correctly.
  5. The water chemistry is balanced.

 Is it safe swim in a pool with black algae?

Black algae, in itself, is non-toxic and does not pose a threat to humans unless consumed.


However, it is known to emit cyanotoxins, which can be harmful to health.


Swimming pools with a small presence of black algae can be considered safe if the pool chemistry is properly managed.


Nonetheless, if neglected, black algae can proliferate and become hazardous.


It is advisable to cease swimming and start treatment upon the detection of black algae, as it can also draw insects and dangerous bacteria.

Blackspot Algae Treatment


Lo-Chlor, algaecide, is effective against green, black, and mustard algae. Here are some steps you can take to use Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide:


Super-chlorinate the pool with liquid chlorine (20 litres per 50000 lt pool). 


Add 1 lt of hyrochloric acid for every 10 lt of liquid chlorine used


Use granular chlorine, such as Lo-Chlor Blackspot 900 or Astral EasyClear, and broadcast. This type of chlorine needs to remain in contact with the surface for at least 12 hours without disturbance. 


Brush the pool: Brush the pool walls and floor to attempt to affect membrane of the algae and expose the roots 


Add a specific type of algae, which includes Benzalkonium chloride such as Lo-ChlorTropical algaecide, Blackspot Algae Killer, and Algae Knock-out.


After cleaning or backwashing the filtration, continue to run it 24/7 for 2 days. Also, backwash or clean every 2 days for the next week.


Vacuum the pool: Vacuum the pool to remove the dead algae.

Test the water: Test the water to determine the pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels.

Balance the water: Adjust the pH and alkalinity levels to the ideal range of 7.4 to 7.6 and 80 ppm to 110 ppm, respectively.

Add a Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide: Add the recommended amount of Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecides to your pool water according to the instructions on the label.

Mustard Algae

Conditions that are easily treatable can also quickly reinfect if not properly addressed.


Chlorine Resistance and Bacterial Growth:


Mustard algae exhibits a high resistance to chlorine, more so than many other organisms.


It can withstand normal chlorine levels and even robust shock treatments, yet it's unlikely for significant amounts of harmful bacteria to thrive in these conditions.Maintaining proper chlorine levels and ensuring good water circulation are key to minimizing bacterial risks.


Difficulty in Eradication:


Mustard algae ranks among the most difficult types of algae to eradicate. Its exceptional resistance to chlorine and its fine, powdery nature pose a significant challenge for removal.


When agitated, it disperses into a dust-like cloud that can remain dormant and dry, only to potentially cause new outbreaks later.


Contamination and Equipment:


Spores of mustard algae can spread to swimwear and various pool equipment. Using contaminated equipment in different pools may lead to further spread of the algae.

Is the Mustard Algae Pool safe to swim in?


Mustard algae, often called yellow algae because of its color, is not toxic to humans. Swimming in a pool with mustard algae can be considered safe if chlorine levels and water circulation are properly managed. However, there are several factors to consider:


  1. Resistance to chlorine and potential for bacterial growth.
  2. Challenges in completely eradicating the algae.
  3. Risks of contamination and impact on pool equipment.

In conclusion, although mustard algae is not inherently harmful, its tenacity and the risk of contamination suggest that it's best to refrain from swimming in pools affected by mustard algae.

Mustard Algae Treatment


Lo-Chlor, algaecide, is effective against green, black, and mustard algae. Here are some steps you can take to use Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide:


Super-chlorinate the pool with liquid chlorine, 20 to 40 litres per 50000-liter pool.  Add 1 to 2 lts of chlorine to the skimmer box, allow a short time for it to enter the filter then turn filter pump off, and add Lo-chlor Algae Knock-out. the system is to remain off for 2 hours, then return to normal filtration.


Add all pool equipment, brushes, vacuum heads, hoses, poles, and pool toys to the pool while the water has a highly active chlorine residue.


Add 1 lt of hyrochloric acid for every 10 lt of liquid chlorine used.


Brush the pool: Brush the pool walls and floor to dislodge the algae into the pool water. The algae should react to brushing, like brushing up dust or pollen.


After cleaning or backwashing the filtration, continue to run it 24/7 for 2 days. Also,  backwash and clean every 2 days for the next week.


After the pool becomes cloudy, monitor the chlorine and pH levels.

Vacuum the pool: Vacuum the pool to remove the dead algae.

Test the water: Test the water to determine the pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels.

Balance the water: Adjust the pH and alkalinity levels to the ideal range of 7.4 to 7.6 and 80 ppm to 110 ppm, respectively.

Add Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide: Add the recommended amount of Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide to your pool water according to the instructions on the label 

Pink/Red Algae

This substance is uncommon in our area and is typically found in fiberglass and vinyl pools.


Pink or red algal outbreaks can vary due to numerous factors, which must all be considered before initiating treatment. Pink algae, which presents as a slime, clings to pool equipment such as underwater lights and steps. Although its treatment is relatively straightforward and similar to that of blue-green algae, light fittings should be carefully removed and cleaned, as algae may linger behind them. Customers should anticipate a period of 7 to 10 days during which the pool might be out of service.


The severity of the outbreak and the duration for which it has been left untreated are critical factors.

  1. Once pink algae becomes visible, it is likely present throughout the pool. Inspecting the pool's surrounding environment can help identify potential causes and preventative measures for future outbreaks.
  2. It is also essential to ensure that the sanitation and filtration systems are operating effectively and that the water chemistry is balanced.

Pink algae and your health:


While pink algae itself is not harmful, it can be a sign of potential hazards.

The bacterium Serratia marcescens, which causes pink algae, may lead to infections, particularly in those with compromised immune systems.


It is vital to maintain strict pool hygiene to inhibit the growth of dangerous bacteria and pathogens.


In essence, although pink algae is not directly harmful, it is imperative to keep pool chemistry and cleanliness in check to ensure a safe swimming environment and prevent conditions such as ear infections, fever, diarrohea, and other adverse health effects.

Pink/Red Algae Treatment


Lo-Chlor, algaecide is effective against green, black,mustard algae and pink alage. Here are some steps you can take to use Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide:


Super Chlorinate the pool with liquid chlorine 20 to 40 litres per 50000 lt pool 


Add 1 lt of hyrochloric acid for every 10 lt of liquid chlorine used.


Brush the pool: Brush the pool walls and floor to dislodge the algae into the pool water.


After the pool changes it will become cloudy and chlorine and pH levels must monitor.


After cleaning or backwashing the filtration continue to run the filter 24/7 for 2 days - also backwash and clean every 2 days for the next week.

Vacuum the pool: Vacuum the pool to remove the dead algae.

Test the water: Test the water to determine the pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels.

Balance the water: Adjust the pH and alkalinity levels to the ideal range of 7.4 to 7.6 and 80ppm to 110 ppm, respectively.

Add Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide: Add the recommended amount of Lo-Chlor Pool Algaecide to your pool water according to the instructions on the label 

Chemicals Used

Liquid Chlorine

Liquid Chlorine

Dependant on the serverity, work on 10 liters per 50,000 liters for a mild algal outbreak. It has a pH level of 13.0 and any addition will apply upward pressure to the pH.

Use of Hydrochloric Acid in swimming pools

Hyrochloric Acid

With an initial measured pH range of 7.4 to 7.6, work on 1 lt per 10 lt of liquid chlorine. More acid will be required if the initial pH level is higher than the above range. To increase chlorine efficacy, a pH of 6.8 to 7.0 is required.

Pool Algaecide

Pool Algaecide (copper)

After confirming that chlorine and pH levels are low, use a copper-based algaecide to kill any algae not removed in the initial chlorine treatment and to act as residual protection from re-infection. Be aware of the history of the pool and whether calcium hypochloride has been recently used. If so, use a non-metal metalic Algaecide instead

Non Metallic Algaecide

Miraclear Algaecide

A non-metallic algaecide with Ethanediamine, a polymer with chloromethyl oxirane, and N-methylmethanamine at 285 g/l and <100 g/l of non-hazardous secret ingredients is a great choice if the use of a metal-based algaecide is not advisable.

Non metallic Algae

Algae Knock Out

A non-metal-based algaecide with benzalkonium chloride at 200 g/l and 10 g/l of non-hazardous secret ingredients is a great choice if the use of a metal-based algaecide is not advisable.

Tropical strength copper based Algaecide

Tropical Algaecide (Qld & NT)

A copper-based algaecide, which includes a wetting agent benzalkonium chloride at 100 g/l along with a copper- triethanolamine complex at 20 g/l, is effective in the treatment of blackspot algae

Copper Based Blackspot killer algaecide

Black Spot Algae Killer

A copper-based algaecide, which includes a wetting agent benzalkonium chloride at 150 g/l along with a copper- triethanolamine complex at 50 g/l, is effective in the treatment of blackspot algae

Granular Chlorine blackspot treatment

Black Spot 900

Use this instead of traditional granular calcium hypochloride. When broadcast on the floor, it can take up to 12 hours to dissolve. This product is stabilised with cyanuric acid, so care should be taken not to use large amounts, and current stabiliser levels should be taken into account before using. As this product contains a high percentage of chlorine, avoid using it on black or dark surfaces to avoid bleaching.

Granular Chlorine w/copper blackspot

Easy Clear Tri-Chlor & Copper

Use this instead of traditional granular calcium hypochloride. This product also contains copper. When broadcast on the floor, it can take up to 12 hours to dissolve. This product is stabilised with cyanuric acid, so care should be taken not to use large amounts. Take current stabiliser levels into account before using. As this product contains a high percentage of chlorine, avoid using it on black or dark surfaces to avoid bleaching.

Granular Chlorine (Cal. Hypo.)

Avoid using this product to increase chlorine levels. If you are using a copper-based algaecide or if you are unsure of the pool history. This is to avoid staining on the pool surface.