Clean swimming pool

Can I Leave My Dolphin Pool Cleaner In The Pool All of The Time?

The Dolphin robotic pool cleaner is one of the best and most effective smart pool cleaners on the market.

The Dolphin robotic pool cleaner is one of the best and most effective smart pool cleaners on the market. It offers superior cleaning abilities that provide you with crystal clear blue waters for you to swim in. Forget about any floating debris or the risk of grime and mould build-up, the Dolphin robotic pool cleaner will take care of all of these issues for you. In this article, Billabong Pool Service and Supply discuss some do’s and don’ts when owning a Dolphin pool cleaner, including how long you can leave it underwater, 

Swimming When the Cleaner is On

Although the cleaner is designed to be completely safe when in use and people are using the pool, we recommend that you don't, simply as a safety precaution. Not only that, the Dolphin robotic pool cleaner will do a more effective and efficient job if nobody is swimming when it is on. 

Leaving the Cleaner in The Pool 

The Dolphin pool cleaner is one of the best robotic pool cleaners on the market, which can be seen by how many swimming pool owners are choosing to buy one. They are built to be resistant and to last. In saying this, when the pool cleaner is not in use, we recommend that it should be taken out of the water. This will increase the longevity of the product and ensure that you can continue to use the best robotic pool cleaner on the market for a long time to come. 

What to do When Adding Chemicals 

When it is time to add chemicals to your pool, you should remove the pool cleaner until the pH levels are balanced. This is for two reasons. Firstly, the Dolphin cleaner itself may interfere with the chemical reading, and secondly, if you have not balanced your pool correctly and the Dolphin cleaner is still underwater, you may expose it to damage. 

Learn more about the best robotic pool cleaner on the market by contacting our dedicated team.

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